Monday, April 28, 2014

Day in the life -- Thursday, April 17

Why is this taking so long to put together?!? I swear every time I've sat down to write this post, some one or the other needs something or cries or something!! I've been trying for a week. Anyhoo... here goes nothing.

Today is (was) Thursday April 17, 2014. Monster is 2.5 years old and Goo is 3.5 months old.

12-6 am
Feed baby, crawl back in bed, pray for more sleep x2

6-6:30 am
Feed baby, replace pacifier, hope for more sleep

Wake up, JT overslept, rush to get monster ready, Goo crying too

Monster and dad leave. Play with Goo, change diaper, feed baby, watch tv, feed self. Baby naps, clean bathroom, laundry, feed cats, do dishes, take out garbage and other things I get distracted by like the mail. 

Goo is awake, we play, practice sitting, tummy time, check the weather, schedule a massage (Christmas gift from my mom!), get Easter clothes ready, text JT and Annie, more tv, more playing, feed baby, eat lunch, look for jobs, work on resume. 

Feed baby, talk to JT, drink caribou (yum!), shower, change baby x2, fight baby to sleep, laundry, hold sleeping baby (aww), read blogs, check instagram and twitter, watch twins game, mail time, feed baby more, monster comes home

Not many pictures from this time of day due to screaming children... and frustration. 
Start supper, screaming baby (oy! for an hour!), Monster screams too (not to be left out), Monster takes a late nap, hold the pacifier so baby sleeps..., try to eat supper, watch TV, eat frozen blueberries.

Nana arrives. Jt and I go to yoga. Get home, take out garbage. Monster to bed. Goo to bed. Feed him again, fight sleep again, I read, JT watches hockey game. Fight baby to sleep some more... what is with him today? Finally I crash out and hope that Goo stays asleep. 



  1. So much battling for the sleep! Sounds just like my house ;) Sadly W has dropped down to 1 nap already. He seems WAY too young for one nap a day, but I am so sick of the battle to get him down. And since he fights me for so long, by the time he falls asleep, I have to wake him up to pick up L or the like. Aaaanyway, I feel ya ;)
    Good luck with the job hunt!
    Thanks for sharing your day :)

  2. Yes, I remember that time being such a battle with sleep (at least for us - seems so many other babies 'got it' before ours did). It can make for sure a long day when they fight it.
